The City of Richmond and LIEC would like to invite Richmond residents of all ages to explore the the growing world of District Energy.
Every May, the City of Richmond holds the Public Works Open House to allow residents to engage with City staff. This event gives residents an opportunity to engage with City staff, participate in activities and learn more about how City staff keeps Richmond running on a day-to-day basis!
If you would like to talk to LIEC or Sustainability staff about district energy, come visit us at our booth during the next Public Works Open House. We have activities for kids and would love to answer any questions you may have about district energy, sustainability or how we work!
Ali, the Barn Owl
In 2016, LIEC held a competition to design our mascot at the City of Richmond’s Public Works Open House. After going through many beautiful submissions, the team decided on Kaira D’Angelo’s artwork to become the inspiration for LIEC’s mascot, Ali the Barn Owl. Congratulations, Kaira!
Barn Owls at the ADEU
Sustainability in Action: Barn Owl Boxes at the Alexandra District Energy Utility (2016).
Have some fun with energy by completing our mazes! If you’re feeling smart, challenge your brain with our energy themed word searches! Click the links below to download these fun activities and learn more about Lulu Island Energy Company!

Kids tour the Alexandra District Energy Utility